What is the difference?
LindseyJones Standard Edition provides respiratory teaching institutions a way to supply practice exams for the Therapist Multiple Choice Exam (TMC) and the Clinical Simulation Exam (CSE) while administering access to these materials remotely. Although it does not include the over 80 hrs of lecture associated with the hybrid Home study, the standard edition boasts 8 TMC practice exams with explanations for each question. That is a total of 1120 NBRC-type practice questions that can expose your students to virtually every kind of challenge that they could see on the exam. Nothing is more powerful than practice.
Standard Edition Spots
The standard edition of LindseyJones University is a subscription owned by the school. Instructors may add or remove students as they see fit. Your school subscribes to a certain number of spots and instructors place whomever they wish into those spots. Should a student discontinue their education, the instructor simply removes that student and frees up a spot that can be used by someone else.
Hybrid Edition
While the LindseyJones University standard edition provides practice exams, the Home study hybrid model includes the complete learning system and review seminar online. In addition to 8 TMC practice exams and 30 or more CS exams, there is over 80 hours of videos, narrated slide shows, voice explained quizzes, memorization activities, online flashcards and much much more. Different than the standard edition, the home study hybrid includes physical materials, including a book, flashcards, etc., and is a kit than can be sold in your bookstore and bought directly by the students. These hybrid home study kits are licensed to individuals and stay with them throughout their schooling and even after graduation. In this case, instructors do not add students. They are automatically included in the school's group and are subject to exercise access control that the instructors give them.
Standard | Hybrid Homestudy
LindseyJones RRT Exam Hybrid ReviewTMNBRC exam review seminar online. Instructor controlled.Assign. Monitor. Instruct. Succeed.Learn More | Purchase
Dennis Stanley, BS RRT-ACCS, NPS, CPFTA few words from the President of
LindseyJones We are so excited to be assisting respiratory care teaching institutions all over the country with preparing their students to take that final step in their education by taking their NBRC credentialling examinations. LindseyJones is now more effective than ever with a brand new, multimedia, comprehensive Pathology review section and a brand-new approach to Pharmacology. We’ve also just released an online digital version of the book while continuing to provide our long-loved physical review manual.
In the coming year, we will be releasing a brand-new version of LindseyJones University, complete with amazing instructor tools that promote better monitoring of student progress, provide secure access to multiple instructors, and present enhanced cohort control and management. Also, more mobile friendly review tools are on their way.
With over 80,000 users of LindseyJones, and used by most of the Respiratory Teaching Institutions in the nation, LindseyJones University is the new way of study for a generation who is on the go and who demand seamless ways of learning. We have the highest published pass rates for good reason, but we are always working, listening, and evolving to make LindseyJones University better and more effective than ever.
Thank you for letting us be a part of your RT student’s education.
Dennis Stanley, BS RRT-ACCS, NPS, CPFT